Alright, be forewarned I am going to touch on a sore subject that I have seen cause many arguments over the holidays. And no I did not bring the subject up, but did see this happen many times so I figured I would get your opinions on the matter.
So here we are in the midst of a complete global economic meltdown. The price of commodities is dropping uncontrollably, usual benchmarks like oil, precious metals, even currencies are all over the map, switching from record highs to rock bottom lows. This has brought many hedge funds, pension funds, amongst other index's to drop drastically in value as people loose faith in there ability. The end result..... people hard earned money has simply "disappeared" overnight.

Half a world away is one of the worlds largest joint scientific project LHC — short for Large Hadron Collider. How large is large ? This continuous loop is 16 miles underground of complex scientific equipment designed to accelerate sub-atomic particles to the absolute brink of know speeds, and then have them collide.This incredible project has taken over 20 years and 8 Billion dollars to complete. So when it fired up in September of this year and failed almost instantly, you can guess people were disappointed.
So here is the question I heard everyone get so angered about. In times like these when the world is suffering through a recession or even worse a depression, should we continue to spend on scientific projects?
Now ... I am going to avoid all temptation to spill my guts onto this page (believe me that is extremely hard to do) as I really want to know your thoughts. I want to understand what you think about the situation, and more importantly why. I love to understand others points of views, so I will bite my tongue in hopes of hearing some of your thoughts out there.
Please click the comment section and simply jot down your thoughts for me and others to peruse. I know we have lots of readers here, with over 330 page hits, and 40 unique visitors !
So here we are in the midst of a complete global economic meltdown. The price of commodities is dropping uncontrollably, usual benchmarks like oil, precious metals, even currencies are all over the map, switching from record highs to rock bottom lows. This has brought many hedge funds, pension funds, amongst other index's to drop drastically in value as people loose faith in there ability. The end result..... people hard earned money has simply "disappeared" overnight.

Half a world away is one of the worlds largest joint scientific project LHC — short for Large Hadron Collider. How large is large ? This continuous loop is 16 miles underground of complex scientific equipment designed to accelerate sub-atomic particles to the absolute brink of know speeds, and then have them collide.This incredible project has taken over 20 years and 8 Billion dollars to complete. So when it fired up in September of this year and failed almost instantly, you can guess people were disappointed.
So here is the question I heard everyone get so angered about. In times like these when the world is suffering through a recession or even worse a depression, should we continue to spend on scientific projects?
Now ... I am going to avoid all temptation to spill my guts onto this page (believe me that is extremely hard to do) as I really want to know your thoughts. I want to understand what you think about the situation, and more importantly why. I love to understand others points of views, so I will bite my tongue in hopes of hearing some of your thoughts out there.
Please click the comment section and simply jot down your thoughts for me and others to peruse. I know we have lots of readers here, with over 330 page hits, and 40 unique visitors !
I agree completely. I think spending on scientific projects not only employs people today, but creates technologies that will create thousands of jobs in the future...and hopefully saves us from ourselves.
ReplyDeleteGreg (Cosine)
Well, since nobody else responded, i tend to agree with you Greg. I feel that it is actualy more imporant during these times to invest money in our development. Keep humanity with a joint purpose, so that we avoid the temptation of destruction.