Sunday, January 18, 2009


So my boy Gaven is now officially 9 months old as of the 11th, and I have noticed him changing in leaps and bounds. It appears to me as if he is learning at an exponential rate, and picks up something new every day. He has just started crawling, which was a monumental change on its own and already he has begun balancing on his knees and pulling himself upright on tables to peer around. It is for certain that he will figure out from here that he can simple walk place quicker. A funny note that he has learned this at 9 months and the coincidence is that at 9 months I was walking as well. Ever wonder if any of these types of things could be genetic?

He has recently learned he can call things by name starting with me! That is right I have a new name “Dada” and could not be prouder. At first everything was dada, but we quickly played some reference games like tickling dada and tickling Gaven ...poof he now understands “Dada” is me. Makes parents hearts warm when they can recognize this.

Gaven is now also doing an adorable thing when you say hello to him. He will begin waving and saying “Hiya”. He kind of clumsily flaps his one arm like a bird ... and the Hiya is distorted... but you can tell by the instant smile on his face that he is ecstatic to communicate with you.

Gaven also popped his first tooth and accordingly always has his fingers in his mouth now feeling it, almost like he is feeling to make sure it is still there. I can watch him put all his food onto that side as if he understands that the tooth will help. He is now eating real “people” foods and loves some of the same things that I do like Salmon!

One of the things that absolutely astonishes me is the understanding of photographs, or rather when a photograph is being taken. If you turn the camera on him and begin to focus, as soon as he sees that telltale orange light the camera uses to autofocus with.... he begins smiling and posing! I find it hard to believe that he understands that this is normal practice, and can only attribute this to him watching what others do when the camera is turned on them.

All of these things truly amaze me, and somehow refuel my beliefs in humanity. To all those parents out there reading this... what are some of the things you can recall your child doing that simply astounded you?


  1. I was looking at old pictures or Riley a few days ago and was thinking the same thing...I remember when she looked like that. It's like the birth of the universe, so much happens in such a short period of time...enjoy the moment.

  2. So fast .. I can't keep up ... if only we could slow time down ... hmmmm

  3. i'm experiencing that right now - thale and i were walking along a path this afternoon, me slightly ahead of her - and i noticed some pretty purple flowers to our right, but didn't point them out. moments later, thale stopped, her eyes widened, she pointed, with a huge smile, and squealed at the flowers, then plopped her little self right now beside them and started to smell/sniff them. she does this to pictures of flowers in her books too - and for the life of me (although i'm SURE i must have...) i can't remember showing her how to do this; did she pick it up from watching us put blooms under our noses to sniff? i know totally what you mean - its watching them emerge almost. figuring out how to convey what they know, understand, realize as they learn how to communicate. staggering to imagine how much they already understand but are simply unable to convey to us. amazing little people. ps. Gaven is getting even cuter..........!

  4. Very true Laura, that is a great example with Thale how the use adaptive learning. They might see it somewhere (like in the book) and try to apply it to there life framework. Simply amazing how these little people grow !

    I have seen pictures of Thale on facebook, she too is getting cuter by the minute. I am glad we arranged the amrriage so quickly ... Gaven is one lucky kiddo !


Please feel free to speak your mind :)