Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Diversity of Readership

Recently I installed a analytics tool to help me better understand the traffic flows to and from this site. Special thanks goes out to Shannon Smith of for helping me with this, much appreciated.

I wanted to quickly share the diversity of the readers locations with you, letting you know who your fellow blog readers are. It is quite a wide ranging group, spanning several Continents, Country's as well as many Cities and Towns.

As I spent many years traveling the globe in my past jobs, I have made great friends all over the world. I will be sending out invitations to my blog in hopes of having them join in our discussions, and providing a global perspective. Here are the places we have to date visiting the site ( at least since I installed the tool) I invite you to pass the blog link along to others you might feel would enjoy reading. My hopes are that with a larger group of readers, we will stimulate an environment for great conversation, discussion and even debate. This will help us all understand global perspectives with greater ease.


Monthly on the first day of each month I will be posting the cities list to watch how we grow :)


  1. add koh lanta to your cities list! ;-)

  2. It is there now too .... just wait for the first of the month to see the new global diversity we have reached... the internet is an ammazing place that way.


Please feel free to speak your mind :)