Recently I have wondered what the greater effect of meditation has had on my life. Has this practice added value to my life in any tangible way? When done properly, meditation can help you reach a state of clarity that allows you to become truly aware of your thoughts, emotions, and surroundings. I am wondering how many of you reading take part in any form of mediation as a regular occurrence?
If you are thinking of starting mediation, what are your personal reasons? Are you hoping for spiritual guidance, or just a formalized way to sum up the events in your mind over a day or week? How many of us do this personally, and how many join into the concept of guided mediation or group environments.
If you are thinking of starting mediation, what are your personal reasons? Are you hoping for spiritual guidance, or just a formalized way to sum up the events in your mind over a day or week? How many of us do this personally, and how many join into the concept of guided mediation or group environments.
I know that I have found this a very useful tool for crystallizing in my own mind what has, or in some cases has not yielded results in my day to day life. It allows me to stay focused, gain calmness at the end of a day, and achieve a psychological balance in my life. I find that this type of Mindfulness is essentially focusing my mind on the present. To be mindful is to be aware of your thoughts and actions in the present, without judging yourself. It is from this point I can organize my goals for the coming day, or week.
What do any of you utilize this art form for in your lives?
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