Sunday, January 11, 2009

First Dip

Today was a another first for my little guy Gaven, his very first swim. We went to the local pool and prepared for what was to be baby's first dip into water (except bath time of course)

You never know what you are going to get from the little guys when you get them into the water, some cry, some scream and kick frantically, while others just seem to not care at all. Gaven certainly fell into that later category. We got him into the water, he just looked around studying it and all his surroundings, not seeming to mind at all.

As Gaven gets older I notice that he is a curious little fellow. Old work friends from Thermadyne mentioned it in his first photos I had sent back to them that he is always more interested in the camera, or rather trying to figure out how it works then anything else. He seems to be a "studier" or inquisitive baby ... always trying to figure out how everything works. I suppose this means that he will take everything apart like I did as a child frustrating my parents :-) (Man the universe has a sick sense of ironic humor )

1 comment:

  1. cute pics. Mira always loved the water too. Some kiddos are just water babies....


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